August 11-17, 2025
Formal Protests2024-03-26T15:37:37-04:00


Formal protests against an exhibit or exhibitor (s) will be accepted from an exhibitor for violations of written rules and procedures of the UPSF. The exhibitors’ guide and other published fair policy serve as the source for rules and policies of the UPSF. All persons are strongly encouraged to settle disputes amicably without utilizing the formal procedure.  A formal protest must be submitted in writing, on a protest form, to the Fair Management and accompanied by a $100 filing fee. The filing fee may be refunded upon settlement of the protest. Forfeited fees will be placed into a scholarship fund. Formal protests must be submitted within 24 hours of failure to informally resolve the issues or within 2 hours of a placement. Fair Management will forward the completed formal protest form to the superintendent of the department involved. The superintendent shall procure relevant facts regarding policy and make a resolution recommendation to the party or parties involved. This recommendation must be written on the formal protest form. Any recommendation that includes disciplinary action of one or more individuals involving loss of placements or premiums or removal of exhibit or exhibitor must be done in consultation with the U.P. State Fair Authority Protest Board.

**Please note that a rule change request will not be honored after the premium book has been printed.


An appeal may be filed by returning the same form to UPSF Management with a written explanation of why the proposed resolution was not acceptable. (Dissatisfaction with the level of discipline taken is not an appealable issue.) UPSF Management will forward the appeal to the Protest Board chairperson who will schedule the hearing for as soon as is prudent and necessary. The appellant must be present if requested. The decision will be made in writing and is final and without further appeal.


If demonstrable evidence establishes that a regulation, policy or procedure has been violated, or that fraud or deception has occurred in association with exhibiting in the fair, then the management and/or UP State Fair Authority, with or without recommendation from the DAC, shall take one (1) or more of the following actions;

    1. Disqualify the exhibit in question.
    2. Disqualify any or all other exhibits of the exhibitor.
    3. Withdraw all premiums, trophies, awards or money won by the exhibitor.
    4. Bar or restrict the exhibitor and/or exhibitor’s immediate family from competing at the Upper Peninsula State Fair for a period of time to be determined by the Authority.
    5. Impose any other penalties or restrictions deemed appropriate by the Authority including, setting probationary periods and requirements or forwarding the issue to legal authorities.

If the fraud or deception or other violation is discovered before final placing by the judge, then, in addition to being subject to the penalties provided for in Section 1, the exhibit will be declared disqualified by the superintendent or UPSF Management. If discovered after judging then the placing will be voided and the superintendent may re-order the placings as necessary.

If the fraud or deception or other violation is discovered after a market animal has been sold, then, in addition to being subject to the penalties provided for in subsection 1, the money associated with the sale shall be remitted to the buyer. Other animals shall not be moved up in placing. In case any reward has already been awarded, the Authority will require the exhibitor to refund all premiums, trophies, awards, ribbons or sale money along with any other assessed penalty. Buyer shall retain possession of animal carcass.

Formal Protest Form